Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Minnesota Peaches

Last Saturday night we had some church friends over for hamburgers. (I don't know why I say church friends because they are just regular friends too.) One of the couples has been in the process of moving to Oklahoma after a couple of years here in seminary, so this is one of the last get-togethers we'll be having with them as residents. Surely they will come back and visit, and we'll do it again.

(Unfortunately I didn't get pics of everyone. Perhaps I will begin making people pose as they come in the front door, like on a cruise ship?)

Here's the night by the numbers:

8 hamburgers and
15 jalapenos making
30 of Pioneer Woman's jalapeno/bacon/cream cheese things eaten by
8 people +
1 4 year old +
1 baby who almost rolled over

2 Teams playing
4 games of Digital Catchphrase where
4 girls were victorious even on the round where
1 tricky person changed it over to SPORTS (take that, boys!) and
2 viewings of The Lion King by one cute little blondie.

God has blessed us so much in giving such a sweet and fun fellowship with these people in this season of our lives. Definitely a fun Saturday night!


  1. Don't you love the Pioneer Woman? I look forward to her posts every day!

  2. I do love Pioneer Woman! She makes everything look SO delicious. Unfortunately, I am annoyed with most recipes with more than 4 ingredients so the jalapenos are right up my alley. :)


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